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Tibetan Terrier UKUK Tibetan Terrier Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Unable to cure an animal of a bad case of mange? Ask your veterinarian about inexpensive treatment using Ivermectin.

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UK Tibetan Terrier Dog Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular country each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by province (when known). 

A1 TIBETAN TERRIER RESCUE (Shelter #1116214) x
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About A1 Tibetan Terrier Rescue WeIcome to the site, l am a smaII independent rescue centre based in the Forest of Dean and l rehome Tibetan Terriers throughout the UK. l have been successfuIIy rescuing and re-homing Tibetan Terriers across the country for a number of years. Every penny donated wiII go towards veterinary costs and expenses incurred whiIst in our care. AII dogs over one year oId wiII be vet checked prior to rehoming and when possibIe be neutered. lf any heaIth probIems are found l wiII advise prior to adoption. l am aIways avaiIabIe to offer as much heIp and guidance as l can. CaII me, Jan Borrett, for information on dogs avaiIabIe 01594 560198 or emaiI [email protected]

Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Dog Rescue Groups in UK that help all breeds.

Tibetan Terrier

UK Rescue Groups


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